Wednesday, April 25, 2012

is it too much to ask?

To be understood?  Not to be felt sorry for or pitied upon...just to be UNDERSTOOD.  A few hours ago I get a surprise call from one of my sister-in-laws who never calls.  She called to ask why we haven't been by to see our newborn neice and when do we plan on going.  They live 2.5 hours away.  Really?  This call reminded me of my conversation with my brother who lives in New York, "sis, when can you guys come down?  Or we can meet in Texas?"  REALLY???  Here's my answer to the both of you!  I will be right over, SLAP THE CRAP OUT OF YOU and come right back.  How's that?  Sorry if I appear a bit bitter...but come on!  Does any one realize what we are dealing with here?  At this very moment, I am pulling an all-nighter, taking care of my sick son, 13 years old with Cerebral Palsy, in diapers.... who has  UNCONTROLLABLE DIARRHEA, not only that but he keeps choking on his own saliva... Why can't they come and see us?  I just want them to understand, how hard it is to travel with a 13 year old, g-tube fed child in diapers.  How hard it is to find a clean, comfortable place to change him, for him to sleep.  Not to mention, bringing his 2 sisters along.  We have to count cans of milk, bags, tubing, gauzes, medicines, syringes...water bottles, diapers, wipes, lots of clothes.  IT IS ALOT OF WORK!  And the bigger he gets, the more work it is.  Am I asking too much when I ask for a little understanding and maybe a break from travel...everyone is so welcome to come here.

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