Sunday, October 7, 2012

...I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed...

God is really funny.  Here I am waiting for a miraculous move of God to overtake me, speak to me through a prophet or preacher, have an angel or two appear or God Himself write on my wall, before my spirit is lifted.    All it took was a friend from church giving my daughters 2 bags of children's books.  First thing I thought *honestly*: OH CRAP!  More stuff to spread around the house, to pick up,  I have to find room for these things now, ugh!  So we get home and sure enough, they were spread out everywhere!  With no room to store them, they are still on the floor.  This project will have to wait until tomorrow.  As I slowly step over the books, my youngest daughter requests that I read her one.  It wasn't a regular story, it was a bedtime musical Nemo book where you push the button and read the song, so we sang and sang, it got fun since we recognized the songs from Barney and had different versions to sing.  Now my 9 year old comes along with a "Lady and the Tramp" book.  It was long, she wanted me to read it to her.  So hesitating, I did.  As I read it, memories flooded me of the 100 times I watched the movie, so now I'm speaking with voices, did the slobbering bulldog, and sang with an "italian" accent (I say "italian" loosely) ...and they called it bella noche!!!  I also sang out a few verses of the siamese daughter was joyfully shocked, she just couldn't believe mom was laughing, and singing and acting so silly.  I have to admit, these occasions seem to be more and more rare and as much as I try to shelter my own struggles from my children, they see and feel mom in distress.

Long story short, we were acting like Dora the explorer in another book and ended this lovely evening with the song:

On top of spagetti, all covered with cheese
I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed
It rolled off the table and onto the floor
I lost my poor meatball, when it rolled out the door... (something like that).

No devotions, memory verses or anything spiritual.  Yet I felt a small balm of healing over my heart as I sang, laughed and acted just plain stupid with my daughters.  Not to mention, I realized my neighbors were right outside the window as I was singing a horrible version of "home, home on the range" in a horrible southern accent.  I'm not good with accents, but it sure is fun to try.

God's thoughts are definitely higher then our thoughts!

One bad thing...I can't get the meatball song out of my head.
Now to go thank my friend.

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